Weekly Service Times

Worship: To give glory and priase to God as an organized church.

Discipleship: To help individuals mature as Christians in love, understanding, discernment and expression with careful conformity to the Word of God.

Witness: To present a clear and observable witness of Christ, what it means to follow Him.Evangelism:To grow in our understanding of and carry out our responsibility of Christ’s assigned task as defined in Matthew 28:19-20.

Fellowship: To provide an atmosphere where we share and experience together interests, concerns and activities because of our common brotherhood in Christ.

Sunday School 9:00 am

Morning Worship 10:00am

Prayer 6:00pm around the campfire, weather permitting

Women’s Bible Study 9:30am, kitchen

FBC Youth 6-12th 6:00-7:30pm (all year)

Adventure Club k-6th 6:00-7:30pm(during the school year)